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Learn how to Negotiate and Create Powerful Technology Acquisition Agreements and Maximize your Organization’s Leverage Against Service Providers and Consultants. Learn the Best Practices and Methods to Take your IT Procurement Contracting Skills to the Next Level.


Module 1

Presentation 1 – The Complexity of Contracting for Technology

  • Trends in the Technology World
  • 5 Major Technology Trends…The World is Changing
  • How is Software Priced?
  • Buying the Competition

Exercise 1 – Bring One IT Procurement Challenge

Module 2

Presentation 2 – Moving into the ‘Cloud’

  • Software as a Service (SaaS) – A Different Type of Acquisition
  • Up-time Guarantees
  • Suspension of Service
  • Negotiation Overview
  • Data Security

Exercise 2 – Major Technology Trends and Their Impact on Contracting

Module 3

Presentation 3 – Trends in Contracting Drafting today

Drafting Principles for I.T. Agreements

Review of Key Technology Contract Types

  • Software License & Maintenance Agreement
  • Software Development & Maintenance Agreement
  • Operating System Software & Maintenance License
  • Master Services Agreement
  • Professional Services Agreement
  • Core Terms Rider
  • Hardware Purchase & Maintenance Agreement
  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Agreement
  • Application Service Provider (ASP) Agreement
  • NDA & MNDA Agreements

Exercise 3 – Read SW License Example and Discuss Favorite Clauses

Module 4

Presentation 4 – Efficiency Techniques for Managing Technology Contract Portfolios

  • Tips for Cost Reductions in Technology Contracting
  • Cost Savings in Technology Procurement
  • Formula for TCO

Exercise 4 – Read SaaS Agreement Example and Discuss Favorite Clauses

Module 5

Presentation 5 – Discussion of Important General Clauses for Technology Agreements

  • Discussion of Key Technology Contract Clauses
  • Strategic Use of Legal Counsel
  • Our Paper or Theirs?
  • Use of Negotiation Content Checklists
  • Writing a Strong Technical Statement of Work (SOW)
  • Four Types of a Statement of Work (SOW)

Exercise 5 – Draft a Statement of Work (SOW)

Module 6

Presentation 6 – Discussion of Important Technology Contract Clauses

  • Some Important Technology Definitional Phrases & Key Clauses
  • Definitions of Software, Object Code & Source Code
  • Updates & Upgrades
  • Error Correction
  • Harmful Code
  • Escrow Account
  • Performance Credits
  • Service Level Response Credit

Exercise 6 – Discussion of Participant Clause Examples

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